The primary objective of the Cavalry Club is the maintenance of contact between Officers of the Cavalry Corps, both serving and retired.
With a membership which is geographically spread over Ireland and overseas, it is important to have a central engine room to keep the Club running. Day-to-day management of the affairs and activities of the Club is vested in a Committee of not less than seven, and not more than eleven, members. They are elected by the members at the Club’s Annual General Meeting and hold office for one year.
The Cavalry Club has a set of Rules for the effective management and functioning of the Club and its affairs. The Club has a long and distinguished history, read for yourself, and see some of the snap shots in our Photo Library.
To find out who is elected this year, check out the Committee page, and contact them if you need any issues addressed.
We are going to update our Links page from time to time with references to other sites which we feel might be of interest to our members.